Join us at: Metropolist Event Center
South of Dome area - Not far from Home Depot and Starbucks headquarters
2931 1st Ave S, Seattle, WA Just North of the West Seattle Bridge on 1st Ave - Easy parking
WORKSHOP Starts: 9:00am ...until about 5pm
REAPS Members $29
Guests: $59
Full Day Workshop:
Special Guest John Burley National Speaker LIVE ~ IN PERSON
How-to on Private Money and Creative Deal Structuring Strategies that are great in a down market.
John is a master at Subject-to, wraps, seller financing and lease options. As the market gets challenging, more creatively will be welcome. John has been around for a couple down markets and loves them! Come learn his favorite strategy dubbed the "The Burley Model" how he marries lease options and private money... and gets paid at closing, then monthly and then when the deal is sold in the end.
John has massive experience and insights. Come learn from one of the best!
Full Day Workshop
More Money, More Deals
At the Saturday Event You Will Learn things like this:
- How You Can Literally Do Hundreds of Property Deals
- Why MONEY is What Real Estate is Really all About
- How to Raise all the Money you will Ever Need
- How to Get Paid $10,000.00 UPFRONT on Every Deal you Do
- The Private Equity Model, How to Have Your Own Real Estate Empire
- How John and His Students are Making over $300,000 on each and every Deal and you can too
- How to Leave Small-Time and Build a "Real Business"
- The Difference Between JV and Security Offerings such as 504, 505, 506
- Real Estate - Cash Flow & Growth - The Dream Investment
- Finding the Great "Off-Market" Deals
- How to Buy Real Estate without your own Money, or Even Credit
- Where and How to Find Off-Market Deals
- Subject 2, Mirror Wraps, Owner Financing, Lease Options
- The Risks and Rewards of different types of Real Estate
- The Proprietary “Burley Matrix” shows you the 7 Monetization Techniques John uses on every property, to factually make 30-70%
Learn, Network and Have fun!
REAPS Members $29 - Guests: $59
Join REAPS for $197 and come for $29, access to 50 more FREE events throughout the year with REAPS Annual Membership!
Sign up for Membership, then register for this special event for $29.
Plus get access to the many discounts and perks that come with membership at Home Depot and more.
John Burley
With 40+ years of investing experience, several thousand (personally) completed real estate deals, over Six Hundred Millions of Dollars Raised, John Burley has the perfect mix of street-savvy knowledge and sound investing principles.
John is a Pioneer in the Real Estate Investment Business, originally trained in the World of Wall St., in 1989 he left and founded his Private Equity Company, where he serves today as the Founder & CEO. It is a leader in the industry, with holdings from multiple countries and a dozen different states. His was among the first ever companies to bring Single Family Home (SFH) Portfolio Real Estate to the Private Equity Community.
John is as an International #1 Best Seller with over One Million Copies Sold. His books include Money Secrets of the Rich and Powerful Changes. He is also the Featured Author in Donald Trump's Book, Wealth Building 101, Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad's, The Cash Flow Quadrant. He has also produced over 100 books and audio programs during his career.
Because John is a Professional Investor, he makes his living actually DOING deals and not just teaching theory from the stage. The bottom line is John walks his talk. For this reason, John is only available to speak at a few events per year.
John has been through 4 downturns in the US and a 5th Internationally. He knows exactly how to navigate and profit from this market, because he has done it before. John greatly looks forward to joining you at the meeting and sharing with you what you need to take your Real Estate Investing Business to the next level
Special Event Location at Metropolist Event Center