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Driving for Dollars Challenge with Deal Machine ZOOM Jan 2025
Monday, January 27, 2025, 1:00 PM PST
Category: Events

 Where: ONLINE via ZOOM

Meeting Starts: 1pm       (This will be a month long January Challenge - each Monday at 1pm.)

This weeks topic will be Marketing to Sellers

Catch the first two weeks of replays  - hop on if you don't have time to watch you will still be able to follow along.

Week 1 Replay CLICK HERE

Week 2 Replay CLICK HERE 

REAPS Members Free 
Guests: Free on this one

Driving for Deals Challenge
Matt Kamp VP of Deal Machine
Tom Zeeb National Speaker on Wholesaling

Let's get you some deals!
Previous challenges have CRUSHED it at getting people moving – and getting deals from the Challenge.
So be there.
And see what can happen for you.

If you've been waiting, stop. Just do this. It's simple, FUN, and costs nothing.
If you still have excuses, then you must not want to really do real estate investing, and it's just another thing you follow along occasionally to pass time, and just dream about instead of making it a reality.
In my experience, "Driving for Deals" is one of the fastest and most straight-forward ways to find deals.
Works nationwide. Join us from anywhere.
Want in on the challenge?
  • Block out an hour every week to dedicate do driving around your target neighborhoods looking for houses that are rundown and dilapidated or that look like they need some extra TLC
Join us ONLINE here:

Register here:  DealMachine 5 Days to Traction Challenge - link coming soon

Live Challenge Trainings:

  • Week 1: Monday, January 6th at 1pm

  • Week 2: Monday, January 13th at 1pm

  • Week 3: Monday, January 20th at 1pm

  • Week 4: Monday, January 27th at 1pm


Driving for Dollars challenge with Deal Machine

Jan 6 to Jan 27th - Each Monday at 1pm


 DealMachine is the highest-rated & most reviewed app to find off-market real estate deals. 


  • How to find the most motivated sellers in your market.

  • How to reach those sellers in the most effective, proven ways.

  • How to make confident offers and close your first (or next) deal.

This challenge lays out a proven system that has helped over 10,000 investors go from ZERO experience to closing deals. 

There will be four live training calls to give you the exact steps to take each week. 


(We got 2nd place last time, let's see if we can get 1st place this time:)

A REAPS Member won the Grand Prize last time of a year of Deal Machine:)


 **Even if you can’t make it live, register now anyway and we’ll send you the recording.

Come ready to take action and make change happen.

NREIA Month Long National Challenge (Jan 6 - Jan 27)

  • Leaderboard Competition: All REIA chapters will participate and have a leaderboard for internal competition.
  • Points System: Every homework completion by a member equals 1 point on the chapter leaderboard.
  • Top Chapter Prize: The top chapter will receive a prize, such as $100 in Deal Machine marketing credits for everyone in that chapter.
It's time to end the deal hunting struggle...

REAPS Members Free 

Guests: Free on this one

Sign Up for Deal Machine Challenge CLICK HERE

  Never been to a REAPS meeting before?  The first time is free!  Type "Guest" in the promo code.