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Next Step: Goals & Accountability with Wendy and Wayne ZOOM Small Group Dec 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024, 6:00 PM PST
Category: Events

Where: ZOOM - Usually in Person, but this time on ZOOM for December (Really Microsoft teams to be percise)


REAPS Members $99             Guests: Must be a Member to Join this Event - $296 includes membership

Registration required for all event  CLICK HERE

Next Step:

Goals, Accountability & Next Step Action Group

"Doing Your Next Real Estate Deal- The Next Steps"


Wayne Prentiss & Wendy Ceccherelli

Normally: Goals & Dinner with Wendy and Wayne 

ZOOM for this Particular Meeting - but the next 4 months in Person

If you have been spinning your wheels? and not getting traction?
Ready to take action to make something happen!?
Seasoned investors Wendy and Wayne have volunteered to help a small group to try to start blazing their path to getting to their goals. This is something new; being a small group limited to the first 20 REAPS members,
you must attend a 5 month series and being willing to take action.
Goals, Ideas, Inspiration, Accountability, Mindset, Action.




What is Next Step ?

This will be goal setting, action taking accountability group that will meet for

5 months on the 3rd Monday evenings of the month. 

From Now until April.

You must be willing to interact with the group. 

Commit to Coming, Commit to a Goal, Commit to taking Action towards that goal.

This is different than other REAPS events.

This is signing up for a 5 month progression of taking action towards your goals.

Come have some fun, get involved and learn a lot!
 Think about the goals you would like to create and how to break them down into bit size doable chunks.

Wendy Ceccherelli is a REAPS long time Volunteer and Member.   She is a real estate agent with a wide variety of her own deals under her belt.

Wayne Prentiss spends his time managing and acquiring more real estate.  He started with residential rentals and has moved into commercial and passive syndications.

Both are such a pleasure and delight to be around and love sharing ideas and resources. 

You can't count on them... you have to do your own due diligence.

REAPS Members $99
Guests: This is for members only - join REAPS= $296 for Reaps Membership & This 6 month event combined

Registration required for all events CLICK HERE



Contact: Angelique Tinney [email protected]