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FIND the Deal, MAKE the Deal, GET PAID - WORKSHOP Bellevue IN PERSON Sept 2023
Bellevue Embassy Suites
3225 158th Ave SE
Bellevue, WA 98004
United States
(425) 644-2500

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Saturday, September 30, 2023, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM PDT
Category: Events

Where: Bellevue Embassy Suites in Bellevue 

                         along I-90 in Eastgate 

              3225 158th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA

WORKSHOP Starts: 9:00am ...until about 5pm

REAPS Members $29
Guests $59

Registration required for all events CLICK HERE
Full Day Workshop:
Special Guest    Tom Zeeb  National Speaker   LIVE ~ IN PERSON
Whether you love to Wholesale, Flip or Keep; Tom will teach how he goes about creating deals.  Wholesaling is Tom's personal primary focus, but he also flips and has rentals.


Join me at this event and you will learn these 5 frameworks for wholesale/flipping houses…

Tom Zeeb loves being a deal maker -
Come learn from a pro on deal making.

Hundreds of deals later, he is happy to share the same techniques that set him free, so you can do the same.

Tom says  "More deals, more profit, more freedom".
Full Day Workshop
Learn, Network and Have fun!

REAPS Members $29
Guests $59

Join REAPS for $197 and come for $30 savings, plus access to 50 more events throughout the year with REAPS Annual Membership!

Tom says; This event is perfect for you if:
  1. You crave a lifestyle of freedom and options.
  2. You want to be on your own with no boss or 9-to-5 J.O.B., be personally responsible for your own outcomes, and be self-sufficient.
  3. You want to learn the right way to build a successful real estate investing business that will fund you, your family, and your lifestyle for many years to come.
This event is NOT for you if:
  1. You think money should fall from the sky with no active effort or WORK from you.
  2. You wait to implement what you learn, or think someone else should do it all for you.
  3. You believe in “get-rich-quick” schemes or “push-button” money.

Registration required for all events CLICK HERE

Sign up for Membership, then register for this special event for $30 savings.

Plus get access to the many discounts and perks that come with membership.

About TOM ZEEB   Back in 2001 Tom was broke as a joke.  A near-death experience while whitewater rafting pushed him to find a new way to break free of his 9-to-5 job. His first "deal" almost took him under as well, but real estate investing saved him in the end. Both personally and financially.  Hundreds of deals later, he is happy to share the same negotiation, marketing and business techniques that set him free, so you can do the same. Simple, structured, and step-by-step. Techniques that take you from spinning your wheels to doing profitable deals.  Investors of all levels struggle with their businesses. Newbies want to get started, but often keep hitting the wall of confusion and spinning their wheels. Intermediate and advanced investors often find that they made a wrong turn and built a business they aren’t actually happy with, but don't know how to fix and re-engineer it. Tom works with real estate investors of all levels to get their business built (or re-built) correctly, so that their personal goals and lifestyle stays at the center of everything they do, giving them more money, more time and more freedom to spend as they please.  It is amazing what a few tweaks to the core elements of your business can do for you. Tom teaches investors how to identify and implement those core elements.