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Dan Doran - REAPS Main Meeting
Red Lion Hotel
11211 Main St
Bellevue, WA 98004
Thursday, May 23, 2019, 6:00 PM PDT
Category: Events

Where: Bellevue Red Lion 
When: May 23, 2019
Doors Open: 6:00pm
Meeting Starts: 7:00pm






REAPS Members Free
Guests: $20 online, $25 at the door

Registration required for all events


Our REAPS Main Meeting is held monthly on the fourth Thursday and is open to the public. This event is FREE for members and FREE for guests who have registered online or $25 at the door.  Registration is required to attend. Doors open at 6:00pm for networking, meeting begins at 7:00pm. Tonight's Meeting is at the Bellevue Red Lion Hotel in the beautiful, newly renovated Ballroom!

If you have never attended one of our events, then just register online and use promo code "guest" to attend your first meeting for free. For everyone else, if you don't register online then please plan to pay $25 at the door when you arrive.

Close More Deals with Greater Profit Per Deal without Pressure, Rejection or Fear
With Dan Doran

The bottom line in this business is about buying more houses at greater profits. It all starts when we buy. Sharpening your skills in this one critical area may be the most important use of your time ever. A lot of folks in sales and negotiation think the key is to learn to "handle" objections. Yes, objection handling is a vital skill...but it’s far more important to understand the emotional appeal that compels your prospect to “take action now”. Learn to uncover and use these hot buttons and you’ll make far more money (and have far fewer objections).

Learn the Magic of Creating Rapport
Selling without rapport is like parking your car in the garage without first opening the door... it can be done, but what a cost. Learn what the pros in every field know about opening the "channel of communication" that must be unlocked in order for you to begin the sales and persuasion process. And learn the single biggest mistake most make and how to avoid it forever so you will close more deals. Dan Doran has been a professional sales trainer and salesman for nearly thirty years. In that time, time has trained over 4,000 salespeople in over fifty different business categories. He has dedicated himself to the creative real estate niche for the last seventeen years. His talk will take all the mystery out of closing. A few secrets and a great presentation and it’s actually quite is what Dan will be covering at our meeting on May 23rd.

Overcome the Most Common Objections
Confidence in selling comes when you know that you can handle anything they throw at you. Preparation and practice of the “right words” said in the “right way” makes you a confident negotiator in every situation.

Answer & Overcome the Most Common Objections in Advance
Why wait for them to come up on their own? By answering them in your presentation before they come up, you’ll close more business with less stress and your clients will enjoy it more too. This one secret can be the key to endless referrals from happy clients.

Close More at a Higher Average Profit
Scientifically controlled split tests repeatedly prove that you’ll close a higher percentage and do so at an increased profit if you use a professionally prepared presentation. This course delivers that presentation and gives you the words to say and how to say them.

Don’t Want to Sell? No Problem, Have Dan Train Your People for You
How would you like to have Dan train your acquisition people for you? This home-study course does exactly that! Imagine replacing yourself in the field so you could spend more time with family and friends doing what you really love to do. This program lets you Make More Money, Enjoy More Free Time and Expand Your Business

Use the "7 Laws" Effortlessly and Make More Profit
If you’re familiar with the 7 laws you know that using all of them all of the time will make you a master at selling. Unfortunately, it could take years of practice to make them a habit and master their application.

Be a master now with the 7 laws built right in. Memorize a few simple lines and you are the master and you close more sales for greater profit per deal.
Present Tonight with Cheat Notes and Visual Aids
The presentation book with "cheat" notes on your side lets you go into the seller’s home tonight with confidence. The tabs make it easy to jump from one section to the other if you need to answer an objection or respond to a question.

Close the Deal NOW Using Modern Software
Imagine playing audio clips with photos of your best clients. No more being put off with, "I want to talk to some of your clients". Talk to them now!

Answer the old stall, "I need to think about it" with... "That’s what Mary Smith originally said too. Listen to what she has to say now..."

Make All Your Prior Real Estate Training Pay Off
As you know, the key to real estate is creating leads and converting those leads to cash. Sales Mastery takes all your prior training to a new level. By closing more deals with more profit, you literally add tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to your bottom line.

Quantum Leap Your Income
It may sound hard to believe... yet a relatively small improvement in your sales skills can mean quantum leaps in your income:
For examples, go from closing "1 in 10" leads per month to "1 and 1/2 in 10" leads per month. No big deal, right? Now go from an average profit of $30,000 per deal to $40,000 per deal. This system shows you how.

What happens to your income? Well, you go from taking down $360,000 a year to $720,000 a year... AND YOUR INCOME IS DOUBLED!
Who couldn't use an EXTRA $360,000 this year? Or even half that?

The Truth According to the Clients

From Zero Percent to 50 Percent Closing
"Sales Mastery ROCKS! I have used the Sales Mastery presentation 2 times... The 2nd time I used it I bought a house –- $29K in equity - Yeah! That is after making about 20 presentations (before Sales Mastery) and not getting even 1 deal.

Tara Tooley, CO

$100,000 in My First Month with Sales Mastery
My first month using Sales Mastery I brought in just over $100,000 for my best month ever! My wife tells me I’m actually getting better looking with each new deal. I’m a fan for life.

Dutch Andrews, VA

$112,000 in One Day!
My first day with Sales Mastery and I was grumbling under my breath, “Why am I going out on these leads that have no motivation”? Well I saw 4 sellers and bought 4 houses for $112,000 profit. I’m convinced!

Brian Dickerson, MN

What happens at a REAPS meeting? A lot! Doors open at 6:00pm in to our amazing networking room. Meet vendors and other members and see what kind of people join REAPS.  Food is served and the company is great. Pose a question about real estate to any of our volunteers at the Genius Bar or attend our Orientation at 6:30pm where we cover all the reasons why REAPS is one of the best Professional Associations in the nation for real estate investors. At 7:00pm our make your way into the ballroom for our jam-packed main meeting with your host and President, Katherine Swanberg. Watch as members announce what they have and what they need during the “Haves and Wants” round.  Learn about the current real estate market during our Market Update. Then, stick around to see our guest speaker. We look forward to having you as our guest.

REAPS Members Free
Guests: $20 online, $25 at the door

Registration required for all events